(hopefully the side that is good with technology)

Decision Time

Well… the time has come that I need to finalize my inquiry topic so that I can start to dig in. I have gone back and forth between the two as they are both related to things I love!

If you can’t tell by the photos below… fishing makes me pretty happy! In order to be able to keep doing something I love, we need to look at the salmon populations and what we can do to help them. In my opinion, hatcheries can be a great tool for this! In my time spent volunteering, I have been able to see the full cycle of fertilizing eggs, watching them grow into alevin, fry, and then mature-enough salmon to be placed into local waterways.

That being said, I think I love the act of fishing more than I would love the research related with it. The use of horses as therapeutic animals has a nice tie in to learning more about people with a range of abilities, something else that I have interest in. So for that reason, I am going to focus on the use of horses as therapeutic animals. The beauty of horses as therapy animals, is that although it is a specialized program, there are many working parts at a variety of levels. They can be used as companions, educators for life skills and hard work, ways to exercise for those with physical or cognitive disabilities and more! Horses have been said to tune into human emotions and I am looking forward to exploring all of the ways that this can help people. Therefore, my inquiry question is as follows: In what ways can horses be used as therapy animals and how does it help?

I was able to find some great resources to dive deeper into this inquiry, however I also found this website that gives a good overview.

But on that note… Im running off into the weekend like

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