Hey friends, its Dayna… aka the least tech savvy millennial you know! Join me as I stumble my way through technology innovation in education.

I am an adventure addict and outdoor enthusiast and spend most of my time trying to fit in all of the activities that I love while balancing school, work, friends and family. Like a good bowl of instant noodles, all you need to know about me is just add water. I can almost always be found near a body of water, rain or shine, 365 days a year. Whether its fishing, swimming or taking way too many waterfall pictures. On the off chance that I am not being a water baby, I’m likely living out my crazy horse girl life. This is Jena, and I have an unhealthy obsession with her… along with her miniature donkey and rogue sheep friends.

Jena often finds herself sharing food with the donkeys, Derby and Dash and one very pushy sheep named Barb.